Ranking | Name | 24h Trend | 7d Trend | Next Milestone | Active Installs |
52177 | iQ Posting Lite | 1611 | -3632 | Awaiting data | 0+ |
28466 | Open Graph Headers for WP | 118 | 8 | 2661 positions 30 (226d) |
20+ |
19162 | Opengraph and Microdata Generator | 52 | -10 | 4067 positions 200 |
100+ |
12629 | WP Open Graph Meta | 20 | -43 | 811 positions 400 |
300+ |
1048 | OG — Better Share on Social Media | 1 | 4 | 96 positions 40K |
30K+ |
46423 | HAREMO Social Screenshots | 0 | 4005 | 14681 positions 20 |
10+ |
19610 | Structured Data Test Button | 0 | 80 | 119 positions 100 |
90+ |
2298 | Open Graph | -1 | 11 | 728 positions 20K (365d+) |
10K+ |
4860 | Open Graph Pro | -2 | -14 | 171 positions 3K |
2K+ |
4712 | Premmerce SEO for WooCommerce | -7 | -8 | 23 positions 3K |
2K+ |
23479 | Social Meta by Brozzme | -10 | -132 | 667 positions 60 |
50+ |
18842 | Scrape and Debug | -17 | 55 | 3747 positions 200 (365d+) |
100+ |
10491 | OpenGraph Tags for Single Posts | -19 | 51 | 685 positions 600 |
500+ |
18605 | Seamless Schema | -26 | 33 | 3510 positions 200 |
100+ |
25731 | Simple Open Graph | -45 | -103 | 24 positions 40 |
30+ |
19002 | Open Graph WP implementation | -48 | -7 | 3907 positions 200 |
100+ |
30405 | Code Meta Opengraph Tag Generator | -114 | -333 | 722 positions 30 (13d) |
20+ |
27456 | SVG Featured Image | -141 | -69 | 1701 positions 40 (365d+) |
30+ |
22723 | WPSEO Pinterest Rich Pins for WooCommerce | -412 | -130 | 89 positions 60 |
50+ |