Ranking | Name | 24h Trend | 7d Trend | Next Milestone | Active Installs |
1051 | OG — Better Share on Social Media | -1 | 1 | 106 positions 40K (365d+) |
30K+ |
2163 | Open Graph | 1 | 12 | 606 positions 20K |
10K+ |
4746 | Premmerce SEO for WooCommerce | -15 | -9 | 170 positions 3K (214d) |
2K+ |
4874 | Open Graph Pro | -2 | 2 | 298 positions 3K (365d+) |
2K+ |
10537 | OpenGraph Tags for Single Posts | 29 | 17 | 278 positions 500 (365d+) |
400+ |
12498 | WP Open Graph Meta | 5 | 100 | 1172 positions 400 (365d+) |
300+ |
17769 | Scrape and Debug | 59 | -128 | 3045 positions 200 |
100+ |
18736 | Seamless Schema | -123 | -17 | 270 positions 100 (112d) |
90+ |
18945 | Structured Data Test Button | 70 | 231 | 61 positions 100 (150d) |
90+ |
19148 | Open Graph WP implementation | -32 | -4 | 142 positions 100 (64d) |
90+ |
19432 | Opengraph and Microdata Generator | 60 | 50 | 418 positions 90 (87d) |
80+ |
22265 | WPSEO Pinterest Rich Pins for WooCommerce | 23 | 125 | 196 positions 60 (116d) |
50+ |
23284 | Social Meta by Brozzme | -41 | -10 | 1098 positions 50 (365d+) |
40+ |
25693 | Simple Open Graph | 255 | 282 | 1005 positions 40 (365d+) |
30+ |
26584 | SVG Featured Image | 125 | 10 | 114 positions 40 |
30+ |
28407 | Open Graph Headers for WP | 214 | 303 | 772 positions 30 |
20+ |
28692 | Code Meta Opengraph Tag Generator | -89 | 368 | 487 positions 30 |
20+ |
45272 | HAREMO Social Screenshots | 0 | -8420 | 12485 positions 20 (365d+) |
10+ |
51572 | iQ Posting Lite | -5582 | -603 | Awaiting data | 0+ |
54521 | OpenGraphMagic | 0 | -4699 | Awaiting data | 0+ |