Ranking | Name | 24h Trend | 7d Trend | Next Milestone | Active Installs |
40140 | Slug accent's replacer | 6753 | 8424 | 4912 positions 20 (365d+) |
10+ |
12957 | Latin Now! | 43 | 152 | 92 positions 300 (4d) |
200+ |
4132 | Transliterator | 2 | -3 | 57 positions 4K (19d) |
3K+ |
998 | Cyrlitera – transliteration of links and file names | 1 | 1 | 56 positions 40K (54d) |
30K+ |
4458 | ACF: Rus-To-Lat | -1 | -11 | 383 positions 4K (365d+) |
3K+ |
468 | Cyr to Lat enhanced | -2 | 0 | 189 positions 200K |
100K+ |
902 | Cyr to Lat reloaded – transliteration of links and file names | -2 | -4 | 79 positions 50K |
40K+ |
19082 | Safe Attachment Names | -8 | -22 | 3944 positions 200 |
100+ |
9809 | Geo to Lat | -11 | -1 | 15 positions 600 (6d) |
500+ |
27620 | Cyrillic To Latin | -64 | -24 | 1148 positions 40 (293d) |
30+ |
29725 | Transler | -186 | 200 | 1074 positions 30 (365d+) |
20+ |