Ranking | Name | 24h Trend | 7d Trend | Next Milestone | Active Installs |
1889 | Custom Body Class | 1 | -1 | 339 positions 20K (365d+) |
10K+ |
6136 | Widget Classes | -4 | -16 | 425 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
6868 | The School Management – Education & Learning Management | 14 | 55 | 307 positions 2K |
1K+ |
8137 | Add URL Slugs as Body Classes | 2 | -20 | 127 positions 900 |
800+ |
13882 | Slug as body class | 12 | -51 | 1434 positions 300 |
200+ |
14505 | Navigation Menu IDs & Classes | 12 | 41 | 30 positions 200 (163d) |
100+ |
18360 | Holiday class post calendar | 89 | 16 | 2654 positions 100 (365d+) |
90+ |
18442 | Plugin Name: Classy wp_list_pages | 78 | 95 | 2572 positions 100 (365d+) |
90+ |
23327 | LH Add Roles to Body Class | 220 | -50 | 580 positions 50 |
40+ |
23932 | Extra Classes | -207 | -96 | 25 positions 50 |
40+ |
25704 | Browser Body Classes with Shortcodes | -100 | -72 | 3142 positions 40 (365d+) |
30+ |
25847 | Blocky! – Additional Content Blocks | 141 | 675 | 2999 positions 40 (365d+) |
30+ |
30387 | Class Blogs | -97 | -150 | 675 positions 20 (365d+) |
10+ |
32393 | Gallery Class | -523 | -603 | 1331 positions 20 |
10+ |
34774 | 7 Post Classes | 8462 | 3412 | 3712 positions 20 |
10+ |
35120 | Add Custom Post Type Slugs to Admin Body Class | 6735 | 7350 | 4058 positions 20 |
10+ |
35436 | WP Teacher | -1144 | -145 | 4374 positions 20 |
10+ |
37868 | Anchor Highlighter | -312 | 2614 | 6806 positions 20 (365d+) |
10+ |
38340 | Settings API | 5002 | -924 | 7278 positions 20 (365d+) |
10+ |
38359 | OS Adder | 1322 | -160 | 7297 positions 20 |
10+ |
41045 | Admin Menu Class by 010Pixel | 1489 | 1911 | 9983 positions 20 (365d+) |
10+ |
41718 | Eve Online Pheal API | 0 | 192 | 10656 positions 20 |
10+ |
42800 | Category class | -3242 | -2089 | 11738 positions 20 |
10+ |
43568 | mamurjor student result | 0 | -4903 | 12506 positions 20 |
10+ |
44308 | UORS External Course List | 7444 | 3466 | 13246 positions 20 |
10+ |
46970 | CSS Page Ancestors | 35 | 7444 | Awaiting data | 0+ |
48421 | Click to Speak Fonvirtual | 0 | -1245 | Awaiting data | 0+ |
53022 | Block Class Autocomplete | -2373 | -5117 | Awaiting data | 0+ |