Ranking | Name | 24h Trend | 7d Trend | Next Milestone | Active Installs |
40421 | Docus – YouTube Video Playlist | 5247 | -3923 | 5193 positions 20 (323d) |
10+ |
48015 | Easy Tube | 2805 | -304 | Awaiting data | 0+ |
22616 | Bubuku Disable Related Videos | 6 | 176 | 671 positions 70 (5d) |
60+ |
2838 | Automatic YouTube Gallery | 2 | 4 | 51 positions 8K (35d) |
7K+ |
5794 | FancyTube – Video Gallery, Video Slider, and Playlist Slider for YouTube | 2 | 1 | 64 positions 2K (8d) |
1K+ |
4371 | YouTube Embed, Playlist and Popup by WpDevArt | -1 | -9 | 296 positions 4K |
3K+ |
11402 | YouList – YouTube playlist shortcode | -2 | -7 | 806 positions 500 |
400+ |
1214 | Video Gallery – YouTube Playlist, Channel Gallery by YotuWP | -2 | -6 | 44 positions 30K |
20K+ |
22074 | YouTube Playlists with Schema | -9 | -87 | 129 positions 70 (42d) |
60+ |
19177 | YouTube Embed – YouTube Gallery, Vimeo Gallery – WordPress Plugin | -34 | -6 | 4039 positions 200 (104d) |
100+ |
21662 | WordPress Youtube Playlist Widget | -42 | -20 | 283 positions 70 |
60+ |
46492 | Player with Playlist Block for WordPress Editor | -2711 | -10964 | 11264 positions 20 |
10+ |