Ranking | Name | 24h Trend | 7d Trend | Next Milestone | Active Installs |
191 | WP Mail Logging | 0 | 1 | 35 positions 400K (89d) |
300K+ |
453 | Check & Log Email – Easy Email Testing & Mail logging | 0 | 3 | 174 positions 200K (365d+) |
100K+ |
548 | Email Log | 0 | 7 | 54 positions 100K (322d) |
90K+ |
1848 | User Activity Log | -2 | -1 | 229 positions 20K (365d+) |
10K+ |
1905 | Audit Trail | 2 | -2 | 286 positions 20K (365d+) |
10K+ |
2443 | WordPress Sentry | 2 | 9 | 824 positions 20K (365d+) |
10K+ |
2498 | Log cleaner for Solid Security | -3 | -3 | 42 positions 10K (95d) |
9K+ |
2756 | Simple Login Log | -2 | -12 | 134 positions 9K |
8K+ |
3512 | Dashboard Widgets Suite | 1 | -6 | 264 positions 6K (365d+) |
5K+ |
4919 | Cron Logger | -1 | 37 | 224 positions 3K (67d) |
2K+ |
5308 | Logbook | 3 | -12 | 613 positions 3K (365d+) |
2K+ |
5570 | Log HTTP Requests | -7 | -12 | 875 positions 3K (365d+) |
2K+ |
7058 | Servebolt Optimizer | 7 | 81 | 1328 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
7493 | 404 Notifier | -3 | -4 | 1763 positions 2K |
1K+ |
8279 | History Log by click5 | -14 | -36 | 41 positions 900 (5d) |
800+ |
9881 | Login Logger | 8 | -38 | 87 positions 600 |
500+ |
10721 | f(x) Email Log | 28 | 25 | 125 positions 500 (183d) |
400+ |
10767 | BugFu Console Debugger | 1 | -12 | 171 positions 500 (54d) |
400+ |
10893 | SMTP for Sendinblue – YaySMTP | -45 | 43 | 297 positions 500 (58d) |
400+ |
11327 | WP Logger | 4 | 0 | 731 positions 500 (311d) |
400+ |
11487 | WP Login Attempt Log | 22 | 10 | 891 positions 500 |
400+ |
11511 | WP User Activity | -271 | -195 | 915 positions 500 |
400+ |
12153 | Simple History Beaver Builder Add-On | -34 | -12 | 606 positions 400 (105d) |
300+ |
13431 | Database Table Overview and Logs | 41 | 452 | 382 positions 300 (4d) |
200+ |
14205 | Debug Log | 34 | 62 | 1156 positions 300 (365d+) |
200+ |
14296 | HTTP Requests Manager | 4 | 57 | 1247 positions 300 (12d) |
200+ |
15294 | alx ip statistic | 7 | -159 | 156 positions 200 (133d) |
100+ |
16081 | Logout Button | -29 | -27 | 943 positions 200 |
100+ |
16130 | MailArchiver | 95 | 29 | 992 positions 200 (172d) |
100+ |
16340 | Inspect HTTP Requests | 90 | 93 | 1202 positions 200 (21d) |
100+ |
16607 | WP Output Log File | 19 | -66 | 1469 positions 200 (365d+) |
100+ |
17805 | Last User IP | -49 | -39 | 2667 positions 200 |
100+ |
18017 | NextCellent Simple History | -24 | -41 | 2879 positions 200 (365d+) |
100+ |
19734 | Custom Error Log | 34 | -30 | 247 positions 100 (71d) |
90+ |
19949 | WP Log Action | 0 | -237 | 462 positions 100 (158d) |
90+ |
21645 | FBC Latest Backup for UpdraftPlus | 4 | 17 | 300 positions 70 (25d) |
60+ |
22821 | Remove Jquery Migrate Log | -150 | 258 | 1144 positions 60 (175d) |
50+ |
25482 | KolorWeb Log Manager: cleaver debugging management | -43 | 401 | 667 positions 50 (52d) |
40+ |
26608 | WordPress Logging Service | -170 | -104 | 136 positions 40 |
30+ |
27309 | WP Robots Log | 84 | -185 | 837 positions 40 |
30+ |
27616 | Ad Logger | -84 | -95 | 1144 positions 40 |
30+ |
30099 | View WP Error Log | -180 | -76 | 700 positions 30 |
20+ |
31158 | WpDevTool | -25 | 41 | 4070 positions 20 (365d+) |
10+ |
31444 | Wb Mail Logger | 0 | 333 | 3784 positions 20 (98d) |
10+ |
32147 | Logged in | -495 | -452 | 3081 positions 20 |
10+ |
32211 | Superadmin Helper | 0 | -221 | 3017 positions 20 |
10+ |
32646 | Dashboard Log Monitor | 7 | -365 | 2582 positions 20 (365d+) |
10+ |
33136 | Simple Multisite Login Log | 0 | -342 | 2092 positions 20 |
10+ |
33339 | WP Marvelous Debug | 285 | 131 | 1889 positions 20 |
10+ |
34193 | Double Knot | 98 | 158 | 1035 positions 20 (147d) |
10+ |
35265 | error_log File Viewer | -323 | 327 | 37 positions 20 (0d) |
10+ |
35629 | Nashaat Activity Log | -283 | -386 | 401 positions 20 (31d) |
10+ |
35696 | LH Log sql queries to file | 46 | -229 | 468 positions 20 (152d) |
10+ |
36514 | Scuba Logger | 4640 | 1259 | 1286 positions 20 (365d+) |
10+ |
36751 | WP Debug Logger | 598 | 2245 | 1523 positions 20 (175d) |
10+ |
40803 | Mailtree Log Mail | -4455 | -1259 | 5575 positions 20 (205d) |
10+ |
41333 | userlog | -973 | -4349 | 6105 positions 20 |
10+ |
41371 | PHP Errors Widget | -3869 | 1392 | 6143 positions 20 |
10+ |
41591 | Process Log | -4086 | 1571 | 6363 positions 20 (365d+) |
10+ |
41880 | Angry Creative Inspector | 1591 | -977 | 6652 positions 20 |
10+ |
42270 | WP JavaScript Error Logger | 9421 | 401 | 7042 positions 20 (365d+) |
10+ |
42544 | Flogger | -6696 | 3188 | 7316 positions 20 (365d+) |
10+ |
43301 | WP Login Logging | -4129 | 1799 | 8073 positions 20 (365d+) |
10+ |
43390 | Debug Log Parser | 0 | -6151 | 8162 positions 20 |
10+ |
43582 | App Log | 4744 | 5700 | 8354 positions 20 (365d+) |
10+ |
44231 | TIElogremover | 7 | 949 | 9003 positions 20 |
10+ |
44578 | WP Viewer Log | 3 | 1033 | 9350 positions 20 |
10+ |
44824 | Clik stats | 0 | 1610 | 9596 positions 20 |
10+ |
44841 | Blog Voyeur | 1232 | 1609 | 9613 positions 20 (365d+) |
10+ |
45417 | WordPress Logger | -6736 | -11300 | 10189 positions 20 |
10+ |
45986 | Office Visits Logbook Plugin for WordPress | 2273 | -2947 | 10758 positions 20 (365d+) |
10+ |
45987 | Simple Running Log | -1377 | 3968 | 10759 positions 20 (365d+) |
10+ |
46467 | HitMeter Counter | 545 | 1055 | 11239 positions 20 |
10+ |
47851 | Debug Using Ngrok | 6293 | 3739 | Awaiting data | 0+ |
48922 | LS WP Logger | 4186 | 3673 | Awaiting data | 0+ |
50243 | Logger for WP Mail SMTP (3rd Party) | -2961 | -511 | Awaiting data | 0+ |
51689 | Update Logger | 355 | -1071 | Awaiting data | 0+ |
53658 | Stock Control | -2711 | -4205 | Awaiting data | 0+ |
53862 | Loginator | -5137 | -6092 | Awaiting data | 0+ |
53956 | LH Log Queries and hooks | -6259 | -5519 | Awaiting data | 0+ |
54536 | WP Slack Logbot | -4661 | -3054 | Awaiting data | 0+ |
55104 | EasyError- Easy Error Log for WordPress | -5031 | -4012 | Awaiting data | 0+ |
55227 | Multi-Admin Log | 5291 | 954 | Awaiting data | 0+ |