Ranking | Name | 24h Trend | 7d Trend | Next Milestone | Active Installs |
6 | Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection | 0 | 0 | 0 positions 0 (24d) |
6M+ |
83 | Antispam Bee | 0 | 0 | 6 positions 800K (285d) |
700K+ |
245 | Spam protection, Anti-Spam, FireWall by CleanTalk | 0 | 0 | 44 positions 300K |
200K+ |
499 | Disable Comments | 0 | -2 | 22 positions 100K |
90K+ |
556 | Comments – wpDiscuz | 0 | 3 | 20 positions 90K (155d) |
80K+ |
718 | Disqus Comment System | 0 | 0 | 5 positions 60K (6d) |
50K+ |
1018 | Delete All Comments of wordpress | 5 | 7 | 76 positions 40K |
30K+ |
1078 | Cookies for Comments | -1 | 0 | 136 positions 40K (223d) |
30K+ |
1123 | Subscribe to Comments | -2 | 3 | 181 positions 40K (248d) |
30K+ |
1459 | Throws SPAM Away | 1 | 1 | 305 positions 30K (365d+) |
20K+ |
1523 | WordPress Native PHP Sessions | 2 | 6 | 369 positions 30K (365d+) |
20K+ |
1789 | No Page Comment | 0 | -2 | 244 positions 20K (300d) |
10K+ |
1876 | Subscribe To Comments Reloaded | 1 | -1 | 331 positions 20K (365d+) |
10K+ |
1909 | Delete Pending Comments | 2 | 0 | 364 positions 20K (365d+) |
10K+ |
2149 | No External Links | -29 | -103 | 604 positions 20K |
10K+ |
2163 | Social comments by WpDevArt | 1 | 0 | 618 positions 20K (365d+) |
10K+ |
2229 | Disable Comments | 1 | 7 | 684 positions 20K |
10K+ |
2402 | Comments Like Dislike | -1 | 8 | 8 positions 10K |
9K+ |
2411 | Comment Link Remove and Other Comment Tools | -1 | 2 | 17 positions 10K (102d) |
9K+ |
2911 | Spam Destroyer | -3 | -8 | 177 positions 8K (365d+) |
7K+ |
2921 | WP Social Comments | -4 | -14 | 187 positions 8K (185d) |
7K+ |
2976 | Native Emoji | -3 | 2 | 43 positions 7K (161d) |
6K+ |
3006 | WP Comment Policy Checkbox | -5 | -3 | 73 positions 7K |
6K+ |
3085 | Advanced Comment Form | -2 | -7 | 152 positions 7K |
6K+ |
3122 | Remove IP | 2 | 9 | 189 positions 7K (365d+) |
6K+ |
3135 | chat-me-now | -1 | 5 | 202 positions 7K (365d+) |
6K+ |
3669 | Remove noreferrer | -1 | 2 | 137 positions 5K |
4K+ |
3827 | Bulk Delete Comments | -4 | 11 | 295 positions 5K (71d) |
4K+ |
4044 | Relative URL | -1 | -3 | 83 positions 4K (251d) |
3K+ |
4070 | Ajaxify Comments – Ajax and Lazy Loading Comments | 2 | 14 | 109 positions 4K (365d+) |
3K+ |
4106 | Block List Updater | 0 | -3 | 145 positions 4K |
3K+ |
4171 | Better Recent Comments | -2 | 1 | 210 positions 4K |
3K+ |
4256 | WP First Letter Avatar | -4 | 3 | 295 positions 4K (365d+) |
3K+ |
4333 | AnyComment | -6 | -7 | 372 positions 4K (365d+) |
3K+ |
4344 | OOPSpam Anti-Spam | 16 | 55 | 383 positions 4K |
3K+ |
4644 | La Sentinelle antispam | 5 | 19 | 94 positions 3K |
2K+ |
4743 | Decent Comments | -2 | -4 | 193 positions 3K (365d+) |
2K+ |
4959 | Comment Edit Core – Simple Comment Editing | 1 | 7 | 409 positions 3K |
2K+ |
5003 | Buy Now Pay Later – ADDI | 7 | -14 | 453 positions 3K |
2K+ |
5033 | Anti-spam Reloaded | -4 | 22 | 483 positions 3K (365d+) |
2K+ |
5138 | Conditional CAPTCHA | -4 | 1 | 588 positions 3K (365d+) |
2K+ |
5152 | Comments Form Star Rating Plugin for WordPress | -6 | 48 | 602 positions 3K |
2K+ |
5416 | Uber reCaptcha | 8 | -1 | 866 positions 3K (365d+) |
2K+ |
5580 | Remove "Comments are closed" | 4 | 13 | 1030 positions 3K (365d+) |
2K+ |
5680 | DoFollow Case by Case | 7 | 3 | 94 positions 2K |
1K+ |
5685 | No Comments On Pages | 5 | 17 | 99 positions 2K (106d) |
1K+ |
5786 | cbnet Multi Author Comment Notification | -3 | -31 | 200 positions 2K (277d) |
1K+ |
5881 | Rut Chileno con Validación para WooCommerce | 2 | 2 | 295 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
5953 | Hide Comments Feature | 3 | 7 | 367 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
5982 | Reviews Plus | -11 | -10 | 396 positions 2K |
1K+ |
6017 | WP-HTML-Compression | 5 | 0 | 431 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
6042 | Comment Moderation E-mail only to Author | 1 | -43 | 456 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
6081 | Lightweight Subscribe To Comments | -9 | -2 | 495 positions 2K |
1K+ |
6104 | Comment Image | 5 | 17 | 518 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
6450 | WPS HTML Blocks | -5 | 1 | 864 positions 2K |
1K+ |
6451 | Batch Comment Spam Deletion | 2 | -15 | 865 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
6664 | Pagebar2 | 1 | 22 | 1078 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
6749 | WP Discourse | -12 | 0 | 1163 positions 2K |
1K+ |
6758 | Stars Rating | 7 | 91 | 1172 positions 2K |
1K+ |
6836 | Tako Movable Comments | 1 | -33 | 1250 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
6941 | Simple Trackback Disabler | 8 | -50 | 1355 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
7013 | Comment Blacklist Updater | -9 | 16 | 1427 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
7439 | Comments Shortcode | 5 | -91 | 1853 positions 2K |
1K+ |
7524 | Most Popular Posts | 4 | -3 | 1938 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
7652 | CRUDLab Disable Comments | 1 | 6 | 2066 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
7674 | Bulk Comments Management | -4 | -24 | 10 positions 1K (7d) |
900+ |
7715 | Comment Hacks | -12 | -78 | 51 positions 1K (23d) |
900+ |
7822 | Constructor for SiteOrigin | -15 | -8 | 158 positions 1K (312d) |
900+ |
7845 | wp-Monalisa | 8 | -40 | 181 positions 1K (365d+) |
900+ |
7909 | Block Comment Spam Bots | 29 | -34 | 245 positions 1K |
900+ |
7984 | Better WordPress Recent Comments | 8 | -2 | 6 positions 900 (3d) |
800+ |
8242 | Comment Email Reply | -1 | -7 | 264 positions 900 |
800+ |
8279 | User Last Login | -14 | -52 | 301 positions 900 (297d) |
800+ |
8354 | Disable / Hide Comment URL | -18 | 2 | 11 positions 800 (22d) |
700+ |
8455 | Mihdan: Ajax Edit Comments | 11 | -1 | 112 positions 800 (71d) |
700+ |
8582 | Anti-Spambot | -2 | 17 | 239 positions 800 |
700+ |
8657 | Add Google re captcha in WordPress Forms | -7 | -3 | 314 positions 800 |
700+ |
8698 | WP-reCAPTCHA-bp | -1 | 0 | 355 positions 800 (302d) |
700+ |
8737 | Custom Smilies | -14 | 30 | 394 positions 800 |
700+ |
8790 | Popupsmart | -14 | -71 | 447 positions 800 |
700+ |
8825 | VigilanTor | 16 | 58 | 17 positions 700 |
600+ |
8882 | spam-byebye | 4 | 6 | 40 positions 700 |
600+ |
8948 | PhpSword Disable Comments | 192 | 587 | 106 positions 700 |
600+ |
9067 | Social Comments | -18 | -78 | 225 positions 700 (133d) |
600+ |
9077 | WP No-Bot Question | 3 | 1 | 235 positions 700 |
600+ |
9091 | Turn Comments Off | 23 | 97 | 249 positions 700 |
600+ |
9202 | Comment Validation | -7 | 36 | 360 positions 700 (365d+) |
600+ |
9237 | Comment Notifier | -5 | -19 | 395 positions 700 (117d) |
600+ |
9254 | Comment Blacklist Manager | 13 | 10 | 412 positions 700 (365d+) |
600+ |
9266 | Disable Comments on Media Attachments | -36 | -59 | 424 positions 700 |
600+ |
9273 | Comment Form CSRF Protection | -15 | -7 | 431 positions 700 |
600+ |
9412 | Comments Engine AI | 3 | 132 | 1 positions 600 |
500+ |
9683 | Gravatar Enhanced – Avatars, Profiles, and Privacy | 25 | 209 | 272 positions 600 |
500+ |
9718 | AIcomments – комментарии и отзывы ChatGPT | -12 | -7 | 307 positions 600 |
500+ |
9775 | Markdown Comment Block | 20 | -497 | 364 positions 600 |
500+ |
9776 | Toggle Box | 5 | 21 | 365 positions 600 (365d+) |
500+ |
9816 | Cackle | -1 | 24 | 405 positions 600 (365d+) |
500+ |
9844 | Simply Disable Comments | 10 | 215 | 433 positions 600 |
500+ |
9915 | Most Commented Widget | -9 | 3 | 504 positions 600 (341d) |
500+ |
9943 | Hide Trackbacks | 9 | -39 | 532 positions 600 (365d+) |
500+ |