Ranking | Name | 24h Trend | 7d Trend | Next Milestone | Active Installs |
121 | WP Shortcodes Plugin — Shortcodes Ultimate | 0 | 0 | 6 positions 600K (8d) |
500K+ |
654 | Carousel, Slider, Gallery by WP Carousel – Image Carousel with Lightbox & Photo Gallery, Video Slider, Post Carousel & Post Grid, Product Carousel & Product Grid | 0 | 3 | 12 positions 70K |
60K+ |
885 | Carousel Slider | 0 | -1 | 80 positions 50K (365d+) |
40K+ |
902 | Slider by Soliloquy – Responsive Image Slider for WordPress | 1 | -1 | 97 positions 50K (173d) |
40K+ |
1181 | YITH WooCommerce Product Gallery & Image Zoom | 0 | -1 | 22 positions 30K (25d) |
20K+ |
1224 | Carousel Slider Block for Gutenberg | 1 | 7 | 65 positions 30K |
20K+ |
1520 | Catch Gallery | 2 | -3 | 361 positions 30K (365d+) |
20K+ |
1928 | Tiled Gallery Carousel Without JetPack | -1 | -4 | 379 positions 20K (365d+) |
10K+ |
2481 | Logo Slider and Showcase | 3 | -1 | 85 positions 10K (365d+) |
9K+ |
2497 | Testimonial Carousel For Elementor | 2 | 18 | 101 positions 10K |
9K+ |
3172 | Gallery Carousel Without JetPack | -2 | -4 | 245 positions 7K (316d) |
6K+ |
3195 | Image Slider | 3 | 3 | 17 positions 6K (40d) |
5K+ |
3412 | B Slider- Gutenberg Slider Block for WP | -2 | -1 | 200 positions 6K |
5K+ |
3480 | Album Gallery – WordPress Gallery | 2 | 0 | 268 positions 6K |
5K+ |
3658 | LIQUID BLOCKS – Slider, Carousel, Accordion | 0 | 3 | 130 positions 5K |
4K+ |
3738 | WP Posts Carousel | 2 | -3 | 210 positions 5K (312d) |
4K+ |
3820 | WP Swiper | 3 | 15 | 292 positions 5K |
4K+ |
4397 | Carousel Horizontal Posts Content Slider | 1 | -3 | 433 positions 4K (365d+) |
3K+ |
4438 | Slick Slider | -4 | -11 | 474 positions 4K |
3K+ |
4567 | GutSlider – All in One Block Slider for Gutenberg | 10 | 41 | 13 positions 3K |
2K+ |
4911 | Post Carousel for DV Builder | -10 | -13 | 357 positions 3K |
2K+ |
5199 | Image Carousel | -1 | -8 | 645 positions 3K (365d+) |
2K+ |
5316 | Carousel Upsells and Related Product for Woocommerce | -10 | -13 | 762 positions 3K |
2K+ |
5335 | Slideshow SE | -1 | -3 | 781 positions 3K |
2K+ |
5652 | Logo Slider , Logo Carousel , Logo showcase , Client Logo | 3 | -5 | 5538 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
5707 | YouTube Playlist Player | 1 | 22 | 5483 positions 2K |
1K+ |
6005 | Owl Carousel WP | 6 | 12 | 5185 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
6112 | Carousel for Divi | -6 | 18 | 5078 positions 2K |
1K+ |
6571 | WEN Logo Slider | -4 | 14 | 4619 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
6727 | Splide Carousel Block | 1 | 17 | 4463 positions 2K |
1K+ |
6879 | All in One Addons For WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) | -10 | 16 | 4311 positions 2K |
1K+ |
7018 | Swipe Slider – Make dynamic slider with solid, gradient, or image background | 33 | 196 | 4172 positions 2K |
1K+ |
7319 | Carousel Ultimate | 4 | 41 | 3871 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
7400 | WP Flow Plus | 11 | 19 | 3790 positions 2K (365d+) |
1K+ |
7656 | Logo Carousel – Clients logo carousel for WP | -1 | 10 | 7 positions 1K |
900+ |
7994 | MAS Elementor | 28 | 23 | 10 positions 900 |
800+ |
8403 | Slider Ultimate | -5 | -9 | 51 positions 800 (74d) |
700+ |
8471 | Content Blocks Builder – Create block, variation, repeater block with carousel, grid, accordion, popup, off-canvas layout | 11 | 94 | 119 positions 800 |
700+ |
8581 | VG PostCarousel | 6 | 29 | 229 positions 800 (253d) |
700+ |
8826 | Text Sliders | 10 | -16 | 56 positions 700 |
600+ |
9298 | Great Caroussel | -4 | -15 | 416 positions 700 |
600+ |
9549 | WooCommerce Products Carousel all in one | 40 | 49 | 116 positions 600 (67d) |
500+ |
9666 | Infinity TNC Divi Modules | 24 | 130 | 233 positions 600 |
500+ |
9820 | Essential Doo Components for Visual Composer | 11 | 23 | 387 positions 600 |
500+ |
10233 | Simple Slider Block – Create Sliders From Core Blocks | 13 | 7 | 45 positions 500 |
400+ |
11630 | WordPress Ultimate Gallery | 4 | 62 | 428 positions 400 (365d+) |
300+ |
11797 | Flip Box Carousel | 70 | 126 | 595 positions 400 |
300+ |
11976 | Arconix Flexslider | -2 | 78 | 774 positions 400 (365d+) |
300+ |
11980 | WP Owl Carousel | -12 | -27 | 778 positions 400 (365d+) |
300+ |
13426 | Juxtapose Images | 32 | 106 | 945 positions 300 |
200+ |
13572 | Multi Image Slider Widget | 27 | 70 | 1091 positions 300 (365d+) |
200+ |
14312 | Agnosia Bootstrap Carousel by AuSoft | 6 | 78 | 1831 positions 300 (365d+) |
200+ |
15211 | Text Carousel Block | 4 | 23 | 726 positions 200 |
100+ |
15299 | Numix Post Slider | -40 | 26 | 814 positions 200 (365d+) |
100+ |
15513 | Owl carousel responsive | -7 | 82 | 1028 positions 200 |
100+ |
15516 | WP Bootstrap Carousel | -9 | 56 | 1031 positions 200 (365d+) |
100+ |
15710 | PPM Carousel | -7 | -46 | 1225 positions 200 (365d+) |
100+ |
15779 | Cinza Slider | -19 | -24 | 1294 positions 200 |
100+ |
15902 | Fade Slider | -30 | 159 | 1417 positions 200 |
100+ |
16572 | IG Posts Carousel | 5 | 46 | 2087 positions 200 (365d+) |
100+ |
16587 | Events Manager – Events / Locations Slider | 93 | 115 | 2102 positions 200 |
100+ |
16672 | WP Carousel | -152 | 85 | 2187 positions 200 (365d+) |
100+ |
16927 | Niz Stores Carousel for Dokan | -63 | -73 | 2442 positions 200 (365d+) |
100+ |
17076 | Slideshow Reloaded | -27 | -43 | 2591 positions 200 |
100+ |
17242 | WpF Ultimate Carousel | -42 | -21 | 2757 positions 200 (365d+) |
100+ |
17257 | Hybrid Slideshow | 139 | 259 | 2772 positions 200 |
100+ |
17465 | Post Slider – WordPress Responsive Post Slider & Post Carousel | -28 | 21 | 2980 positions 200 |
100+ |
17722 | Neat Slider | 68 | 54 | 3237 positions 200 (365d+) |
100+ |
17923 | PAJ Featured Image Owl Carousel / Slider | 52 | 234 | 3438 positions 200 |
100+ |
17937 | Simple Logo Carousel | 0 | 46 | 3452 positions 200 |
100+ |
18000 | HORIZONTAL SLIDER | -40 | 86 | 3515 positions 200 (365d+) |
100+ |
18036 | Paged Post Slider | 106 | 189 | 3551 positions 200 (365d+) |
100+ |
18301 | Slider for Elementor | -10 | 43 | 3816 positions 200 |
100+ |
18427 | JWD PostSlider Widget | 20 | 160 | 305 positions 100 (229d) |
90+ |
18591 | Slider-Carousel-Shortcodes-WC-Product | -60 | -5 | 141 positions 100 |
90+ |
18896 | Advanced Slider For Elementor | -19 | 129 | 164 positions 100 |
90+ |
19163 | NuboCoder – Beaver Builder Carousel | -37 | 365 | 361 positions 90 |
80+ |
19257 | Marquee Carousel – CSS only Carousel | -68 | 236 | 267 positions 90 |
80+ |
19520 | Slidr | 6 | 111 | 4 positions 90 |
80+ |
19563 | mPress Banners | 37 | 378 | 39 positions 90 (365d+) |
80+ |
20010 | BubiBlock Slider | 3 | 546 | 73 positions 80 |
70+ |
20132 | Any Post Slider | 90 | 442 | 195 positions 80 |
70+ |
20343 | All in one Avada Addons | -124 | 45 | 406 positions 80 |
70+ |
20511 | Slick carousel | -12 | 130 | 574 positions 80 |
70+ |
20521 | Elemendas Addons | -13 | -103 | 584 positions 80 |
70+ |
20859 | Carousel-of-post-images | -11 | 89 | 141 positions 70 (88d) |
60+ |
20891 | Multiple Carousel | -5 | 145 | 173 positions 70 (225d) |
60+ |
21243 | Logo Showcase for VC Lite | -57 | -170 | 525 positions 70 (365d+) |
60+ |
21358 | Carrossel with Glider.js | -66 | 57 | 640 positions 70 |
60+ |
21407 | WP Brand Logo Slider | -112 | -21 | 689 positions 70 |
60+ |
21417 | Essential Foto Just for JetPack | 67 | 286 | 699 positions 70 |
60+ |
21684 | ShortcodeHub – MultiPurpose Shortcode Builder | -1036 | -1007 | 1200 positions 60 |
50+ |
21781 | Image Hover Effect for VC | 17 | -100 | 1103 positions 60 (365d+) |
50+ |
22358 | Ultimate 3D Testimonial Slider | -9 | 129 | 526 positions 60 |
50+ |
22519 | Dokan Store Carousel | 119 | 343 | 365 positions 60 (77d) |
50+ |
22969 | Property Carousel for Property Hive | 97 | 236 | 97 positions 50 |
40+ |
23035 | Horizontal Carousel | 57 | 234 | 163 positions 50 (111d) |
40+ |
23905 | Browser Shots Carousel | -167 | -102 | 1033 positions 50 |
40+ |
23954 | Photographers galleries | 0 | -158 | 1082 positions 50 (365d+) |
40+ |
24032 | And IT Portfolio for Elementor | -15 | 175 | 1160 positions 50 (365d+) |
40+ |