

Ranking Name 24h Trend 7d Trend Next Milestone Active Installs
29241 Term description by means of block editor -126 -355
2547 positions 30
30003 Taro iframe Block 0 -122
10120 positions 20
31253 Melonpan Block – Code 0 283
8870 positions 20
31270 Patternly – Gutenberg Starter Templates, Patterns, WordPress Landing Pages & Sites 65 -103
8853 positions 20
32170 Gutty Related Posts 101 1401
7953 positions 20
32470 Gecko Theme Parts 1104 3389
7653 positions 20 (365d+)
32599 Styles Library 355 10
7524 positions 20
32897 Sidebar Block -985 293
7226 positions 20
33016 Disable Classic Editor and Widget -452 -444
7107 positions 20
33497 Instagram Blocks – Block Editor Social Feed Embed 0 16983 Awaiting data 0+
36604 Disable Block 6232 1312
3519 positions 20
40663 Insert Post Block -4432 -3602
540 positions 20
43071 DooBlockPatterns -1429 -2714
2948 positions 20
43165 CF block -4230 -4637
3042 positions 20
45162 Carbon Code 3215 1155
5039 positions 20 (365d+)
46173 Blog-Writer 5830 3788 Awaiting data 0+
46267 Mega Blocks – Enlaces para contenedor 2728 -384 Awaiting data 0+
46400 Melonpan Block – Site Title -613 254 Awaiting data 0+
47048 OC Image Slider -532 658 Awaiting data 0+
47052 Delete Control by Firework 437 6562 Awaiting data 0+
47128 Stretch Block Editor -1435 4587 Awaiting data 0+
47410 Necessary Blocks – Page Builder, Gutenberg Blocks & Patterns -1253 -698 Awaiting data 0+
48078 Yours59 responsive spacings for core blocks 4950 -2508 Awaiting data 0+
48191 Best Theme Builder For Elementor & Block Editor – AN Creatives 2919 1193 Awaiting data 0+
48252 Master Query Loop 4548 3874 Awaiting data 0+
48503 Blocksolid Gateway -2909 -120 Awaiting data 0+
48511 Block Editor Animations – Animate Gutenberg Blocks -586 399 Awaiting data 0+
48833 VS Light Theme for the Foxdell Folio Block Editor Customiser 0 2807 Awaiting data 0+
48938 Foxdell Folio Block Editor Customiser 5078 2556 Awaiting data 0+
49046 Receipe block 5857 56 Awaiting data 0+
49339 Block Editor Navigator -2932 71 Awaiting data 0+
49565 Formatting Extender 983 1163 Awaiting data 0+
49792 WPWing Sticky Block 1522 -918 Awaiting data 0+
50298 Zolo Advanced Heading 1429 2062 Awaiting data 0+
50466 OmniForm 3313 -72 Awaiting data 0+
50555 Melonpan Block – Post List 3648 7513 Awaiting data 0+
50683 enBlocks – Gutenberg Blocks for WordPress Block Editor -3057 -4662 Awaiting data 0+
51201 Block Minimap 4987 -992 Awaiting data 0+
51883 Which Blocks 1337 -5922 Awaiting data 0+
51886 Master Embed Posts 5693 -203 Awaiting data 0+
51938 Custom Taxonomies for Blocks -4485 -2689 Awaiting data 0+
52513 Block Theme Color Switcher 1270 -1102 Awaiting data 0+
52837 Block Editor Disabler -6636 76 Awaiting data 0+
52849 Foxdell Folio BEC Disable Core Blocks 2061 1209 Awaiting data 0+
52869 Scroll To -6638 -4295 Awaiting data 0+
52876 Block Pattern Maker -5800 -6684 Awaiting data 0+
53007 MR.Utils -614 355 Awaiting data 0+
53147 Awesome Alert Blocks -1283 -3739 Awaiting data 0+
53159 Cycle Blocks 0 -2868 Awaiting data 0+
53495 Melonpan Block – Post Title -6851 -4543 Awaiting data 0+
53707 Gutenberg slider block 1279 4778 Awaiting data 0+
53871 BSW Blocks ADEL 2529 0 Awaiting data 0+
54035 Plugin Name: OC Smart Table (free) -7794 -2602 Awaiting data 0+
54709 Rain Forest Theme for the Foxdell Folio Block Editor Customiser 5844 -1196 Awaiting data 0+
54768 GuttyPress – No-Code WordPress Toolkit for Designers – Free Theme & Full Site Editing 4891 5686 Awaiting data 0+