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Ranking | Name | 24h Trend | 7d Trend | Next Milestone | Active Installs |
330 | Image Widget | 0 | 1 | 54 positions 200K (108d) |
100K+ |
351 | Widget Logic | 1 | 0 | 75 positions 200K (131d) |
100K+ |
632 | Simple Author Box | 0 | 2 | 37 positions 80K |
70K+ |
948 | Content Aware Sidebars – Fastest Widget Area Plugin | 1 | -1 | 6 positions 40K (38d) |
30K+ |
974 | Starbox – the Author Box for Humans | -79 | -70 | 32 positions 40K (80d) |
30K+ |
1084 | Ocean Custom Sidebar | -1 | -2 | 142 positions 40K (365d+) |
30K+ |
1225 | Meks Simple Flickr Widget | -1 | 0 | 68 positions 30K (172d) |
20K+ |
1238 | Widgets on Pages | -1 | -3 | 81 positions 30K (136d) |
20K+ |
1901 | WP Sticky Sidebar – Floating Sidebar On Scroll for Any Theme | 1 | 2 | 347 positions 20K (365d+) |
10K+ |
1965 | Author Box, Guest Author and Co-Authors for Your Posts – Molongui | 1 | 3 | 411 positions 20K |
10K+ |