( 1 five Star rating required to reach 3.7 / 5 )
Ranking | Name | 24h Trend | 7d Trend | Next Milestone | Active Installs |
193 | WP Rollback – Rollback Plugins and Themes | 0 | 0 | 37 positions 400K (282d) |
300K+ |
232 | PHP Compatibility Checker | 0 | 0 | 32 positions 300K |
200K+ |
871 | Change Admin Email | 1 | -4 | 48 positions 50K (67d) |
40K+ |
1622 | Disable All WordPress Updates | -2 | 1 | 3 positions 20K (37d) |
10K+ |
1963 | Version Info | 2 | -2 | 344 positions 20K (365d+) |
10K+ |
2193 | Meta Generator and Version Info Remover | 1 | -5 | 574 positions 20K |
10K+ |
2451 | Core Rollback | 6 | 24 | 5 positions 10K (1d) |
9K+ |
3041 | Version Control for jQuery | 0 | 1 | 44 positions 7K (18d) |
6K+ |