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Ranking | Name | 24h Trend | 7d Trend | Next Milestone | Active Installs |
78 | Flamingo | 0 | 0 | 1 positions 800K |
700K+ |
172 | FluentSMTP – WP SMTP Plugin with Amazon SES, SendGrid, MailGun, Postmark, Google and Any SMTP Provider | 0 | 0 | 22 positions 400K |
300K+ |
242 | MW WP Form | 0 | -2 | 40 positions 300K |
200K+ |
446 | Kadence WooCommerce Email Designer | 0 | -2 | 171 positions 200K (365d+) |
100K+ |
561 | Mailgun for WordPress | -1 | 0 | 21 positions 90K (90d) |
80K+ |
645 | SMTP Mailer | 0 | 1 | 3 positions 70K |
60K+ |
1070 | reCAPTCHA for MW WP Form | 0 | 2 | 130 positions 40K |
30K+ |
1148 | WPGraphQL | 0 | -2 | 208 positions 40K |
30K+ |
1533 | Zoho Mail for WordPress | -2 | -1 | 374 positions 30K |
20K+ |
1687 | Gmail SMTP | 1 | -1 | 138 positions 20K (365d+) |
10K+ |